MBTI(迈尔斯-布里格斯类型指标)是一种人格类型学中的内省自我报告问卷,用于表明人们在感知和决策方式上的心理偏好。 该指标由美国心理学家凯恩琳·布里格斯和她的母亲伊莎贝尔·布里格斯·迈尔斯共同制定,基于瑞士心理学家荣格的8种类型理论,经过二十多年的研究和发展,形成了四个维度,每个维度有两个对立面,共16种人格类型。
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire in personality typology used to indicate people's psychological preferences in perception and decision-making decisions. The indicator was jointly developed by American psychologist Kaylene Briggs and her mother Isabel Briggs Myers. It is based on Swiss psychologist Jung's eight types theory. After more than 20 years of research and development, it has formed four dimensions. Each dimension has two opposite poles, with a total of 16 personality types.
内外倾向(Extroversion & Introversion):区分个体是倾向于外部世界还是内部世界。外向的人注重外部活动和社交,而内向的人更注重内心的思想和感受。
Extroversion & Introversion: distinguishing whether an individual is inclined toward the outside world or the inside world. Extrovert people focus on external activities and socializing, while introvert people focus more on inner thoughts and feelings.
感觉与直觉(Sensing & Intuition):区分个体是依赖感官经验还是凭借直觉做出判断。感觉型的人注重事实和细节,而直觉型的人更注重含义、关系和可能性。
Sensing & Intuition: distinguishing whether an individual relies on sensory experience or intuition to make judgments.Sensory people focus on facts and details, while intuitive people focus more on meaning, relationships, and possibilities.
思维与情感(Thinking & Feeling):区分个体在做决定时是依赖逻辑和客观事实,还是更多考虑个人价值观和情感。思维型的人注重客观分析,情感型的人更注重个人价值和人际关系。
Thinking & Feeling: distinguising whether an individual relies more on logic and objective facts or gives more consideration to personal values and emotions when making decisions . People of the Thinking type focus more on objective analysis, while those of the Feeling type attach more importance to personal values and interpersonal relationships.
判断与知觉(Judging & Perceiving):区分个体是喜欢有序和计划,还是更喜欢灵活和开放。判断型的人喜欢计划和组织,而知觉型的人更喜欢灵活和适应变化。
Judging & Perceiving: distinguish whether an individualorefers order and planning or is moreinclined towards flexibility andopenness. People of the Judging typeike planning and organizing, whilethose of the Perceiving type preferflexibility and adapting to changes.
本期撰稿|林延 黄奕忱
本期编辑|欧书涵 罗睿