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阳光英语角 | 活动预告:How to Increase Self-Confidence


Self-confidence refers to an individual's positive perception and trust in their abilities, values, and behaviors. People with self-confidence tend to be more courageous in facing challenges, able to maintain a positive mindset in the face of difficulties, and are more likely to succeed. However, many people, for a variety of reasons, tend to feel a lack of self-confidence, manifesting as a lack of trust in themselves, excessive self-doubt, or fear of failure.


Boosting self-confidence is something that everyone can strive to achieve, and here are some effective ways to help boost your confidence.


It's important to change your mindset, and at the heart of self-confidence is a positive way of thinking. Many people lack self-confidence, often because of long-standing negative self-esteem and self-doubt. Through cognitive restructuring, this mindset can be changed. Specifically, it's about learning to identify and challenge negative thoughts that don't make sense, such as "I can't do it" or "I'm not good enough," and then replace them with more positive, realistic thoughts. For example, change to "I can do my best" or "I have the ability to solve problems". This shift in mindset helps to increase an individual's confidence in their abilities.


Setting small, achievable goals and working through them step by step is an effective way to boost your self-confidence. Successfully completing small goals can help you build a sense of accomplishment and build self-confidence. For example, you can start by setting a simple task, such as completing a work or study task every day, or doing a workout once a week. When you see that you can accomplish these goals, you will gradually believe that you can take on bigger challenges.


Self-affirmation is a positive form of self-talk that helps us reinforce trust in ourselves. Positive cues every day, such as telling yourself that "I am capable", "I deserve to have success", "I will overcome difficulties", etc., can help boost your inner self-confidence. In addition, you can boost your self-confidence by recording and reviewing your achievements and strengths, reminding yourself of the successes and breakthroughs you have made.


本期撰稿|黄奕忱 刘坪亮

本  期  编  辑 |欧书涵 罗睿



